August 26th World Dog Day Celebrate with Dogs honest true friend

August 26th World Dog Day Celebrate with Dogs honest true friend

Whoosh, barking greetings, many different meanings of a "dog" friend. Anyone would agree that a dog is man's best friend. ready to be at the side of the boss as a companion pet who can be called a true friend who is honest, playful, knowledgeable, plus a cute personality of the four-legged dog This makes everyone fall in love. For a long time, August 26th of every year is considered “World Dog Day” or “International Dog Day” that was established to commemorate and celebrate our true four-legged friend.

national dog day Founded in America in 2004 by Colleen Paige to focus on man's truest friend. including many dogs who performs a risky mission Whether it's an explosion seek survivors

in different places search for drugs including being a therapy dog It can be said that the youngsters do their best. It is recorded that Humans started keeping dogs for use since 12,000-15,000 years ago, starting with wild dog breeds and continued development until it became a dog today Humans and dogs are considered true friends for tens of thousands of years ever. On the day of “World Dog Day”, many countries have organized campaign activities. rescue stray dogs and a dog contest Or share pictures of the cuteness of your own dog via social media as well.

However, I still hope that everyone will love and take care of their own dogs as well. Give them love and attention. Don't let your dog become unwanted or abandoned. Just because we are not ready or bored. 



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